Front Desk Officer

Front Desk Officer – FIs is attends to customer’s requests related to banking or financial products, sells and/or cross-sells BFSI products as well as manages customer relationships. The individual at work addresses service requests, introduces new products, cross-sells distribution products, informs about promotions and offerings and, maintains relationships with the regular customers.


Course Duration :6 Months

Eligibility : Graduation

Course Fee : 19,990/-



Life Insurance Agents sell life insurance policies to individuals and then ensure collection of monthly or yearly payments from the policyholder.

Equity Dealers

Equity dealers buy, sell and give advice on investment and financial instruments, such as stocks, bonds, commodities and mutual funds.

Microfinance Executive

Microfinance executives are representatives or employees appointed by banks & micro finance NBFC's to provide financial service .

SME Officers

They support customers with transactions, process their applications, monitor their accounts and advice customers when required.

BCS & BFS Course

The fundamental difference the role of the BC and BF is that BCs are permitted to carry out regular transactions for customers on behalf of the bank.
Mutual Fund Agent

Mutual Fund Agent

Mutual fund agents are bridges that connect investors and mutual fund companies. To help mutual fund companies grow .